Prompt: What is your Value? Answer these questions: Repeat.

Prompt: What is your Value? Answer these questions: Repeat.
It is promotion season for may companies and firms, but being promoted is not the only sign of career progression. This week I read an interesting article by Caroline Flanagan “What it means to progress” … Continue reading Career Progression: What it means to progress
When giving a presentation it is important to use your energy. Make sure that your energy is kept up throughout your presentation. For example, the moment you start to talk it should be at an … Continue reading Presentation Tips: Use your energy
When preparing for and giving a presentation it is important that you clearly identify the ONE thing. Ask yourself: what is the one thing that I want people to remember after the presentation? Once you … Continue reading Presentation Tips: What is the ONE thing?
As well as using our weekly prompts we recommend that you also do regular free-writing entries as part of your journal. One way to use this is to have a list of regular prompts that … Continue reading Regular Prompts: What do you want to work on?
The Power of the Pause is important to master for many reasons. It gives the audience time to process what you are saying and absorb key points, it gives you time and breathing space. When … Continue reading Presentation Tips: The Power of the Pause
When presenting first impressions are important. No matter what medium you are using, you only have a matter of seconds (7-10 seconds) to make an impact. You haven’t got a couple of minutes to “warm … Continue reading Presentation Tips: Start with a BANG!
Switch into “presentation mode” It is important to remember that to present well you need to be in “presentation mode” to have an impact. For example, if you are in a meeting and you are … Continue reading Presentation Tips: switch into “presentation mode”
As well as using our weekly prompts we recommend that you also do regular free-writing entries as part of your journal. One way to use this is to have a list of regular prompts that … Continue reading Regular Prompts: What can you do to make it easy to feel motivated today?
Prompt: What do you want people to say about you? Think about your professional profile. What do you want people to say about you? “She’s the one that…”. How do other people see you? What … Continue reading Prompt: What do you want people to say about you?