Prompt: Write a reading list I love to start a new year with a fresh reading list. Time and time again I have as one of my new year resolutions to read a book a … Continue reading Prompt: Write a reading list
Prompt: Write a reading list I love to start a new year with a fresh reading list. Time and time again I have as one of my new year resolutions to read a book a … Continue reading Prompt: Write a reading list
Prompt: What does your ideal day look like? This prompt can be interpreted in a number of ways. This is your opportunity to do another “free-writing” journal entry to answer the question. If you are … Continue reading Prompt: What does your ideal day look like?
Prompt: Tell a story! Story-telling is a skill. It is a skill that everyone should work to develop. For today’s prompt we want you to tell a story. A story about your career that you … Continue reading Prompt: Tell a Story
Prompt: Design your ideal job description Frame it for your current role OR the role you are looking for. I believe that we are each in charge of our own career and that every job … Continue reading Prompt: Design your ideal job description
Quantifying your achievements on your application is very important since companies do not recruit on qualifications alone. When you are a student it might at first seem harder to write about and to quantify your … Continue reading How you can quantify your achievements
Another new year… how did that happen? If you haven’t already why not set some resolutions for the new year. A fresh start can happen any day, but there is no better excuse than a … Continue reading Prompt: Happy New Year