Prompt: What are my goals? It is important to revisit your goals on a regular basis. We are pretty much a quarter of the way through 2018 so use this prompt to review your goals … Continue reading Prompt: What are my goals?
Prompt: Write a “Snapshot” of your day
Prompt: Write a “Snapshot” of your day Write a entry about what you are doing today. This can be an entry about a particulr aspect of the day or even a list of everything you … Continue reading Prompt: Write a “Snapshot” of your day
Share your Successes
SHare your Success It is easy to forget to share your successes in the workplace. You might assume that everyone already knows. You might not want to come access as boastful or arrogant. However, people … Continue reading Share your Successes
Prompt: Tell me about a time when you Succeeded
Prompt: Tell me about a time when you succeeded This is often a interview question. However, it is also a great prompt to help you make sure that you celebrate your successes in your career … Continue reading Prompt: Tell me about a time when you Succeeded
Prompt: What am I working on right now?
Prompt: What am I working on right now? Think about what you are working on RIGHT NOW. Worked it out? Do a write up of what you are doing right now so that you can … Continue reading Prompt: What am I working on right now?