Prompt: What mistakes did I make this week? What did I learn from them? We all mistakes. It is important to learn from them. Embrace your failures and mistakes because they teach you powerful lessons. … Continue reading Prompt: What mistakes did I make this week?→
Prompt: Good Advice I have been given this year I recommend that you write good advice down in your career journal whenever you receive it as part of your free writing journal entries. However, for … Continue reading Prompt: Good Advice I have been Given this Year→
Whether it is positive or negative. feedback is always meant to help. Feedback (whether solicited or not) is common in the workplace. In addition to more formal appraisals, people will often just voice their opinion. … Continue reading Positive or negative, feedback is always meant to help.→
Prompt: What Have I achieved so far this year? Hopefully you have been keeping track of your achievements this year as part of your general free-writing in your career journal. However, if you haven’t now … Continue reading Prompt: What have I achieved so far this year?→
You have a great idea for your business or the organisation that your work for or you want to carry out a change in your business or organisation by introducing a new product, a new … Continue reading How to: Overcome Resistance to Change→
Prompt: 10 things I learned from … Pick a person. Any person. A mentor, a sponsor, someone you go to for advice… and write down 10 things you have learned from them. They can be … Continue reading Prompt: 10 things I learned from…→