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January 28, 2021
2021 is the perfect time for a reset. You may have already worked on your goals, identified how you want to continue to grow and develop over the next year, but it is probably also … Continue reading How to do your own personal annual review for 2020/2021 →
Printed Portal
January 25, 2021
Prompt: Write a list of things you want to learn this year A new year is an opportunity to learn new things. Write a list of the new things that you would like to learn … Continue reading Prompt: Write a list of things you want to learn this year →
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January 21, 2021
COVID-19 has meant that our lives and our career development have likely to have been put on hold. However, with the coming months looking like they will continue to be more of the same. However, … Continue reading 10 Things to do to Continue to Grow during COVID-19 →
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January 18, 2021
Prompt: What does a great working week look like? This prompt can be interpreted in a number of ways. This is your opportunity to do another “free-writing” journal entry to answer the question. If you … Continue reading Prompt: What does a great working week look like? →
Printed Portal
January 14, 2021
It is important to remember that a large part of managing your energy is to not waste too much energy on things that you can’t control. Here are some examples: Define your success (and failures) … Continue reading Don’t waste your energy on things you can’t control →
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January 11, 2021
Think of your journey, the path you want to take this year. This might be based on a simple goal, or it might be Skill & Development based or it might even be a change … Continue reading Prompt: Where do you want to be by the end of the year and how are you going to get there? →
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January 7, 2021
It is likely that you have struggled with your energy levels during the pandemic. Our regular habits have changed, and it is important that you find a new routine to help you manage your energy … Continue reading How to: Manage your Energy (not your time) →
Printed Portal
January 4, 2021
Let’s kick off the year with a nice easy one – what do you want to do in 2021? It is a new year and the perfect opportunity for a new start and to reset … Continue reading Prompt: What do you want to do in 2021? →