Be mindful of using negative language. Use positive language instead. If you are using positive language you will trick your brain into being more positive and less stressed. Word choice sounds simple, but it’s also … Continue reading L is for… Language→
Kindness can help reduce stress and improve our emotional wellbeing. So choose to do something that helps others on a regular basis and put other people’s needs before your own. These can be simple acts. Here are … Continue reading K is for… Be Kind→
In a busy world, where there never seems to be enough hours in the day the luxury of making journal writing part of my routine means that I actually take time out to reflect on … Continue reading J is for… Journal→
Happiness in your career is not essential, but it does make it easier and much more fun. Make finding happiness a choice. Happiness is in many ways tied to wellbeing. To be happy in our … Continue reading H is for… Happiness→
We are naturally drawn to the negative. Practising gratitude can help our brains move towards a more positive mindset which boosts wellbeing and resilience. Feeling grateful and more positive can lead to increased energy levels, … Continue reading G is for… Gratitude→
It is important to set boundaries between your work life and your home life and ensure that you have some work/life balance. One way to do this is to have an end of day routine … Continue reading F is for… Finishing for the Day→
It is important to focus your energy into what you can control. You have a limited amount of energy – don’t waste this on what you can’t control. Be proactive about taking steps in what … Continue reading E is for… Energy→
If you are anything like me and struggle to prioritise yourself make sure your schedule your self-care and put it in your diary. Schedule your lunch breaks and coffee breaks, schedule your walks, schedule your … Continue reading D is for… Diary→
Use your “Comfort Zone” to your advantage Understanding and using your comfort zone can be used to both manage your stress and help push you forward. Your comfort zone is a safe place. It can … Continue reading C is for… Comfort Zone→
The World Health Organization determined that “burnout” is a legitimate diagnosis and a growing problem in our fast-moving society. Burn-out is included in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an … Continue reading B is for… Burnout→