The last couple of months have been uncertain and have disrupted our “normal” working life and any carefully laid plans. It is understandable to feel all sorts of emotions such as stressed, overwhelmed, and isolated. … Continue reading How to: Move your Career Forward→
An important of your plan for 2020 should include writing your learning and development plan which should include a skills development plan. Most companies provide on-the-job training. This may be a mixture of both technical/hard … Continue reading How to Develop your Soft Skills in 2020→
The new year and new decade is the perfect time to reset and set some career goals and resolutions. The great thing about setting resolutions is that you can think about taking small steps forward … Continue reading What are your Career Resolutions for 2020?→
Formal sponsorship programmes are still not the norm. However, sponsorship can be a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to diversifying the top leadership positions. Unlike mentoring relationships, sponsorship programmes are usually harder … Continue reading Sponsorship: Is it making a difference?→
It is important to have regular check-ins. If you are responsible for other people check-ins you might like to use the coaching technique known as the “Grow” model. Even if you are not the one … Continue reading Check-in Using the Grow Model→
Many people mistakeningly see performance conversations and/or feedback as criticism or an attempt to point out weaknesses or flaws. Others see it simply as a way to decide who gets a pay increase or promotion. … Continue reading Adopt a Growth Mindset→
Use a Coaching Mindset can be a great way to have more meaningful conversations when you are doing someone’s appraisal or end of year review (or even just a check-in). When you are doing an … Continue reading Coaching: Questions to Ask→