We are currently living in a VUCA World. This means: Volatile (what is true today, may not be true tomorrow) Uncertain (it is hard to predict things) Complex (there are many parts and variables) Ambiguous … Continue reading Looking Forward: What’s Next?→
We are halfway through 2020 and what a year it has been so far. Reaching the halfway point it always time to review and reflect. This year is no different. What do you want to … Continue reading Are you ready for a coach?→
Understand Change The first step in managing your mental health is often understanding change. Change is an inevitable part of life. The “Kubler-Ross Change Curve” is the most effective tool for understanding change (and the … Continue reading What can you do to manage your own mental health?→
01. Start by identifying what you want to change and how you can make those changes gradually If you want to change yourself you need to work out what you want to change and make … Continue reading Write a Blueprint for Change.→
What is Unconscious Bias? Unconscious Bias is often defined as prejudice or unsupported judgments in favor of or against one thing, person, or group as compared to another, in a way that is usually considered … Continue reading Unconscious Bias – What can you do?→
Formal sponsorship programmes are still not the norm. However, sponsorship can be a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to diversifying the top leadership positions. Unlike mentoring relationships, sponsorship programmes are usually harder … Continue reading Sponsorship: Is it making a difference?→
Where do you get your inspiration from? We talk a lot about role models, leading by example and mentoring, but think about where you personally get your inspiration from? Role Models Often we look to … Continue reading Where do you get your inspiration from?→
Sponsors can be a great way to “have an edge” in the workplace. A sponsor can properly champion you in your workplace which is often something that a mentor cannot do (as they are not … Continue reading How Do I Find a Sponsor?→
An important tool for your own personal / self-development is to consider how you are perceived and whether you are showing up with the right attitude. You should aspire to be approachable, fun/positive to be … Continue reading Show up with the Right Attitude→