Prompt: What skills do I want to improve or learn? How am i going to do this? As well as writing your learning and development plan – you will also want to focus on improving … Continue reading Prompt: What skills do I want to improve or learn? How am I going to do this?
Prompt: Write your Learning & Development Plan
Prompt: Write your learning and development plan If you are wanting to be an “expert” at what you do – you need the credentials to back you up. How are you going to do this? … Continue reading Prompt: Write your Learning & Development Plan
10 Things To Write in Your Journal
Writing a Career Journal can be a great way to help you develop and grow as well as keep a record of your achievements. Writing daily or even weekly can help you focus on the … Continue reading 10 Things To Write in Your Journal
Prompt: Update your Brag List
Prompt: Update your Brag list You should be updating your brag list (list of your accomplishments) on a regular basis. However, it is easy to get side-tracked. Use this prompt as inspiration to write about … Continue reading Prompt: Update your Brag List
Prompt: Write a list of things you want to try
Prompt: Write a list of things you want to try There are probably activities you’ve thought about trying at some point but you don’t really know what to do with them, or you don’t know … Continue reading Prompt: Write a list of things you want to try
Prompt: Who do I want to make an effort to get to know better? Why?
Prompt: Who do I want to make an Effort to get to know better? Think about someone you would like to make an effort to get to know better. Write an entry about who you … Continue reading Prompt: Who do I want to make an effort to get to know better? Why?
Prompt: Notes from a conversation with your boss
Prompt: Notes from a conversation with your boss I hope you take notes anyway. If you don’t you should. Use today’s prompt to reflect on the notes from your last conversation with your boss. It … Continue reading Prompt: Notes from a conversation with your boss
Prompt: How can I fit into the Company’s vision for the future?
Prompt: How can I fit into the Company’s vision for the future? Think about your Company’s goals and values. Think about their vision for the future. Write about how you see yourself fitting into this … Continue reading Prompt: How can I fit into the Company’s vision for the future?
Prompt: Habits to work on…
Prompt: Habits to work on… Good habits can help you improve in all areas of your life. What habits have you identified that you could do better and how are you going to achieve this?
Prompt: List of people to have coffee with…
Prompt: List of People to Have coffee with Write a list of the people you want to have coffee with. This might be a list of contacts that you want to keep in touch with, … Continue reading Prompt: List of people to have coffee with…