Prompt: What are you key motivators?

Think about your job. Your career. What are your key motivators for doing your job? Why do you do the job you do? What do you aspire to? What inspires you? Write down your thoughts.

Prompt: Shower Time

Sometimes we have our best ideas in the shower. What did you think about in the shower today? Write it down and tease it out.

Prompt 52: Final Few Hours

There are only a few hours left to get your Prompt 52 Journal for 2018 with brand new prompts for 2018. Don’t miss out – get all the prompts in one handy pocket notebook.

promptjournal - celebrate

Prompt: Wins of the Day

Prompt: Wins of the Day It is important to celebrate the small things. Write down 3 wins of the day. No matter how small they might be.