Prompt: Why are my goals important to me? Pick a goal. Any of your goals to start with (you should end up doing this with all your goals so it doesn’t really matter) and push … Continue reading Prompt: Why are my goals important to me?→
Prompt: The best advice from… Think about the people you go to for advice – what is the best advice they have given you? We encourage you to keep a record of good advice (and … Continue reading Prompt: The Best Advice from…→
This is your prompt to check-in on your goals. Hopefully you are already using a journal to reach your goals and set some short-term and long-term goals at the beginning of the year. We are … Continue reading Prompt: Mid Year Check-in→
Prompt: 10 things I learned from X Pick a person. Any person. A mentor, a sponsor, someone you go to for advice… and write down 10 things you have learned from them. They can be … Continue reading Prompt: 10 things I learned from X→
Prompt: What is your passion? This can be anything. Identify your passion and write about it. Having a passion can be inspiring, motivating and can make you happy. Don’t know what your passion is? Write … Continue reading Prompt: What is your passion?→
Prompt: People to go to for advice. Write a list of all the people you go to for advice and why. Write this list in no particular order and with as many people as possible. … Continue reading Prompt: People to go to for advice→
It is that time of year again: Appraisals. A journal can be a great help in preparing for appraisals and setting your goals at work. When considering your Career Goals you should be considering both Corporate … Continue reading Prompt: End of Year Appraisals & Setting Objectives→
Prompt: 10 things I can do to save time The aim of this #10things prompt is to encourage you to think about time-wasters, inefficiencies in processes and the way you work to stimulate and encourage … Continue reading Prompt: 10 things I can do to save time→