Prompt: Write a list of personal prompts As well as working through our regular prompts you should also be doing a free-writing entry in your journal. This might be a diary entry, a collection of … Continue reading Prompt: Write a List of Personal Prompts→
Prompt: Tell a story! Story-telling is a skill. It is a skill that everyone should work to develop. For today’s prompt we want you to tell a story “about a time when…”. A story about … Continue reading Prompt: Tell a story about a time when…→
Prompt: 10 things I can do differently today This #10things list requires some concentration and some innovation. Embrace the challenge. As with all list prompts you can choose to write a simple list of 10 … Continue reading Prompt: 10 things I can do differently today→
Prompt: Reading List – Check-In You should always have a reading list. If books aren’t really your thing you should include audiobooks or blogs on your list. Take some time today to review your list … Continue reading Prompt: Reading List Check-In→
Prompt: What is your hobby? You cannot and should not be so career focussed that you do not have a hobby. A hobby will help you relax, give you some downtime and makes you human. … Continue reading Prompt: What is your hobby?→
Prompt: 10 things I learned today I encourage you to write regularly about things that you have learned and other learning points in your free-writing entries in your journal. It can help build your career … Continue reading Prompt: 10 things I learned today→
Your career journal is a fantastic place to collect together things that inspire you. It also makes a great reference book. For these reasons I urge you to use your journal to collect inspiration and … Continue reading Prompt: Inspiring Thank You Notes→