D is for… De-Stress (and Doodle)

A to Z Challenge 2013 - D


De-Stress (and Doodle) Pages are a must and are aimed at getting you relaxed, tuned into your creativity and used to the idea of actually using the book as a workbook – writing in it, drawing in it and following its instruction and guidance.

I wanted to open a discussion regarding annotation and doodling in books.

Do you or don’t you?
In regular fiction (or non-fiction) books – do you doodle, annotate, highlight, stick post-it notes or whatever else into you book?

Personally, I use colouring pencils rather than highlighters and do a lot less annotations than I used to (as a student I probably had the most annotated books imaginable) but this is still something I will do. However, there are times I do prefer to keep a book in “good condition” and will use a notebook along side.

If you are the sort that likes to keep their books in pristine condition (or simply don’t write in them) – would you?