G is for… Goal Management

a to z of skills development

Goal Management:

A goal or objective is a projected computation of affairs that a person or system plans or intends to achieve.

Being goal-orientated and a good self-starter are key skills that an employer looks for. Employers like employees to be ambitious, driven, in control of their own personal goals and committed to achieving their corporate goals as well.

This is why questions about the companies values, reasons you want to work for the company and long-term goals and aspirations frequently come up in an interview. Employers want employees who are self-motivated. People who will take the initiative and don’t need their hands held while carrying out their job.

Why is it important to employers?

Being goal-oriented and being in charge of your own goal management shows a number of great skills and qualities – many of which are important to employers. Goal-Orientated individuals are hard-working, driven and create a productive atmosphere in the workplace. As a goal-driven individual, you will have high-performance standards and will motivate others to work to high standards too.

How can you show that you are goal orientated?

At interview you need to show:

  1. Your ability to set and meet goals (regardless of time constraints);
  2. a track record of high-performance standards;
  3. that you have a 5-year plan; and
  4. that your 5-year plan include your potential employer and matches their company objectives.

Include examples from previous employment, quote facts and figures where possible and include things like increasing profitability, winning clients, improving efficiency etc. Don’t forget to emphasise how you have achieved your employer’s goals – not just your own.

If you want to develop this skill with a current employer and/or in an existing roleĀ  – discuss setting some goals with your employer and continually show that you can meet their goals.

Skill Development Plan

1. Think about your Goals:

  • Write your corporate goals and objectives in your career journal and link them to your own personal goals. E.g. Financial target, personal target, monthly or quarterly figures. Keep a record.
  • Write about your personal goals and how you can incorporate them into your role.
  • Come up with a list of goals and objectives at your next appraisal.

2. Develop a Five Year Plan.

3. Write an entry in your Career Journal about what motivates you.