P is for… Pause

it is important to pause and to take breaks. Breaks are important for your mental health and wellbeing and taking a break is an easy way to help boost your energy and focus during the working day. Taking breaks can also help you destress, recharge and reset.

Here are some suggestions for taking a break:

  • Do some desk stretches or stand up at your desk.
  • Make a cup of coffee or grab a drink.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Catch up on the news or other articles that you have saved for reading later.
  • Write something.
  • Read a book.
  • Watch a video.
  • Do a puzzle.
  • Call someone for a catch up or chat.
  • Write a LinkedIn Message to one of your contacts.
  • Clean/Tidy your desk.
  • Organise and Refile/Rename your files.

If you are bad at taking regular breaks – schedule them in! Put them in your calendar.

Further Reading: