Prompt: Tell a Story (about how you got started)


Prompt: Tell a story! Tell the story of how you got started.

Story-telling is a skill. It is a skill that everyone should work to develop. For today’s prompt we want you to tell the story of how you got started. Telling such a story, will give you a chance to reflect on how you have got to where you are. It will also be a story to have ready for interviews, networking opportunities and conversations with students, mentees and other contacts just getting started,

Pick your story. Write it down (either in full or in bullet points) and then tell it. Say it out loud. Practice saying it.

Human beings are emotionally driven, they attach themselves to narratives and relate better to stories. Whether you are trying to get a point across or trying to inspire someone – tell a story.

A career journal is a great place (and safe place) to develop your story ideas and interesting narratives if they don’t come to you naturally.

Once you have developed your story and tested it aloud (and refined as necessary) you may want to try it our in the real world if you feel it might have success.

Finally, if you do try it out dedicate another journal entry to its critical review and feedback.