How are you coping with working remotely and communicating with others virtually? There are 5 key things that you need to think about to ensure that you are thriving while working remotely.
01 Mindset
Think about your mindset while working remotely. Have you had a fixed mindset? or have you had a growth mindset? Do you have a positive mindset?
The important thing is to think about where you are right now and tackling each day as it comes and where possible, being optimistic and positive about it. The important thing to remember is that we get to choose our own mindset. So while is it not always easy to switch remember that you have the power to choose.
Further Reading: Create the right mindset to anchor you in the positive
02 Environment
Next think about your environment. What is your working and living environment like. Are you well set up for working from home? Do you have separation between your work and your life?
Do what you can to ensure that you have a good working environment to help you thrive.
03 Boundaries
Next think about your boundaries. What Boundaries do you have in place and what boundaries do you actually need? What boundaries are important to you and who do you need to talk to about it?
Have a conversation with your colleagues and manager to ensure that you have the necessary (flexible) boundaries in place.
04 Connect
An important part of thriving virtually is by communicating and connecting with your colleagues and your clients and contacts. It is a great opportunity to strengthen these relationships. Are you keeping in contact?
It is important to have more conversations, to ask more questions, to actively listen, to check in with each other and to give feedback. Create space for staying in touch and for learning.
Further Reading: Actively Listen
05 Recharge
Finally it is important to have strategies in place for re-charging. We need to learn to stop and have a rest.
Having a weekly pause (weekend) and a yearly pause (holiday) is not enough. You need to make sure that you are also building in a daily pause and “pause” moments into your day, by creating breaks between tasks and meetings.
Further reading: Work Life Balance: Recharge